Hinckley Recycling is committed to engender a standard of excellence by providing a high quality service for the disposal of electronic waste. We ensure that this service is always conducted in an environmentally friendly manner and the processes involved during the disposal would at all times conform to and comply with all relevant legislation as enforced by the recognized authorities – local and international.
Hinckley Recycling is dedicated to the responsibility of being a good steward of the environment, and will in all circumstances aspire to constantly emphasize awareness of the natural environment, whilst maintaining a level of proficiency which demonstrates bona fide leadership in all spheres of the environment.
Hinckley Recycling conforms to strict environmental recycling requirements and best practices. We are the first registered E-waste recycler in Nigeria and pride ourselves on working closely with the Ministry of Environment, NESREA and LASEPA.
We offer a socially responsible solution for E-waste and we give you peace of mind ensuring that your business is contributing to reducing its carbon footprint, as well as recycling E-Waste responsibly.
Available Services:

What we do to Recycle Computers
- Reuse: in 2012, Hinckley processed over 2,000 items, refurbishing and selling the majority for reuse. Hinckley’s Recycling Services Department also recovers repairable items from the waste items for refurbishment and reuse.
- Component reclaim: components are also reused. In 2010, Hinckley exceeded 10% by weight of items reclaimed for reuse from what was previously classified as Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) – exceeding targets in the draft Recast WEEE Directive.
- Material recycling equipment: this is dismantled into parts to aid the recycling of each separate material stream – so increasing the amount recycled and enabling hazardous parts to be removed for recycling and safe treatment. This is explained further overleaf.